WISE Innovation in Education Summit


About WISE 11

28-29 November 2023 – Doha, Qatar

This 11th edition of the WISE Summit will explore the theme
of “Creative Fluency: Human Flourishing in the Age of AI.”

The emergence of AI challenges our traditional understanding of creativity and raises profound questions about the future of education in a world still grappling with persistent legacy issues around teacher shortages, limited access to formal learning among vulnerable populations, poor learning outcomes even in developed nations, and a disconnect between higher education and workforce needs.

In this context, the Summit invites the WISE community to debate and discuss the topics that are reshaping our education landscape, including the importance of computational literacy, the promise of personalized learning for all, new AI-integrated pedagogical approaches that enhance the creative potential of students and teachers, and issues of equity and embedded values in the design, dissemination, and implementation of emerging technologies for education around the world.

Nov 28

  • WISE Opening Plenary:09:00-10:00
  • WISE Awards Plenary:15:00-16:15


In our three parallel Thematic Zones, we deep dive into the pressing issues defining the future of education. Each Theme is explored through three formats: Panels to frame the debate and highlight priority issues; Masterclass Sessions to deepen understanding and provide perspectives on possible solutions; Policy Roundtables to bring together education stakeholders in defining actionable policy agendas.


  • Classrooms of the Future:

Will AI necessitate a fundamental rethink of teaching and learning? Will AI deliver on the promise of personalized learning? How can AI enhance the quality of teaching methods and practices?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS

Redefining Learning: Transforming K-12 Education with Computational Thinking for the Age of AI

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

Classrooms of the Future: Will AI Necessitate a Fundamental Rethink of Teaching and Learning?

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Charting the Future of Education: Roadmap for AI Integration in the Classroom


  • AI and Digital Sovereignty:

How can education systems cultivate autonomy in the face of emerging AI superpowers? How do we ensure diversity in AI research, design, and development? How can we guarantee equal access to critical information infrastructure and technologies for the advancement of education?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS:

Critical Thinking in the Digital Age: AI, Information Literacy, and the Battle Against Disinformation

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

Empowering the Global South: Capacity Building for Self-Determination

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Navigating the Impact of AI Superpowers: How to Build an Inclusive Global AI Landscape


  • Building Ethical AI:

How can we ensure that AI tools reflect core societal values and culture? How do we equip education systems for literacy and awareness around AI risks? How can stakeholders collaborate to develop, implement and evaluate ethical AI frameworks?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS:

Building Ethical AI: How Can We Ensure That AI Tools Reflect Core Societal Values?

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

Can We Trust AI to Build Ethical Education Futures?

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Writing the Rules: What Does the Roadmap to Ethical AI Look Like?


Join the authors of WISE Research as they present their latest reports addressing critical education issues around the globe, and propose action-oriented recommendations and policy guidance for stakeholders in the education industry.

  • 10:30-11:15 Qatar’s EdTech Testbed: Challenges and Opportunities for Building Collaborative Partnerships toward Innovative, Tech-Enabled Teaching
  • 11:30-12:15 Collaborative Leadership for Transforming Education in Learning Ecosystems
  • 12:30-13:15 Post-Pandemic National Educational Investments: School Leadership Development for Innovative Learning Designs
  • 13:30-14:15 Levering the Evidence on the Relation of Teacher Well-bring to Student Well-Being and Learning Outcomes AND Teacher Well-Being Professional Learning Community’s Official Launch


Auditorium 1

  • 10:30-11:45 Educate A Child: 10 Years Anniversary Celebration Event: Re-Ignite Action to Transform the Lives of Those Left Behind
  • 12:00-13:15 Greening Education: Critical Elements for Transformation – An Intergenerational Dialogue
  • 13:30-14:45 10+ Years of EAA Experience – Lessons on “Re-Inventing Education” for Inclusion and Protection from Attack

Rooms 218-219

  • 10:30-11:45 Artificial Intelligence and Access to Higher Education: The Role of AI in the Effort to Provide Inclusive, Equitable Access to Higher Education for the Most Marginalized
  • 12:00-13:15 Youth and the Creative Economy: Leveraging Technology for Youth Economic Empowerment in Developing Countries
  • 13:30-14:45 Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI) – ROTA-EAA-British Council Pakistan Panel Discussion & Project Signing

Room 220

  • 10:30-11:45 AI in Education: Early Innovations Showcase


Based on the traditional Arabic ‘majlis’ gathering space for meeting, sitting, and talking, the WISE Majlis is where informal interactions happen alongside spirited discussions and presentations, workshops, and networking activities.

WISE On Air(Central Foyer)

Sit in on live podcasts where we talk to the world’s leading minds about the future of education.

  • 10:30-11:15 Podcast – 3 Skills We Should Prioritize For the AI Age
  • 11:30-12:15 Podcast – Redefining Education in Times of Crisis
  • 12:30-13:10 Podcast – Pioneers x WISE On Air – Computation for Everyone: AI & Education
  • 13:20-14:00 Podcast – Doha Debates x WISE On Air: Who Can Best Ensure AI is Accessible to Every Student?

Youth Studio(Central Foyer)

Listen and participate in lively discussions by and for youth about the issues shaping the next generation. What will it take to build a 21st century of collective action, compassion, and creative self-expression?

  • 10:30-11:15 Inclusive Education: Enhancing Personalized Learning Experiences for Students with Disabilities
  • 11:30-12:15 Cultural Perspectives of Arabic Learners in Classrooms
  • 12:30-13:15 AI and the Challenges of Education and Ethics
  • 13:30-14:15 Youth Voices on Leading Innovation in Education – STEM, Community Service and Homeschooling

Learning Lab 1(West Foyer)

For classes of 25 students (pre-registration for schools required). Experiential learning workshops with immersive activities featuring the latest learning tools that foster creativity, collaboration and experimentation.

10:30-11:15– Student session

Peer-to-peer workshops. Join fellow practitioners for a creative professional development experience, featuring demonstrations of innovative pedagogical approaches and AI tools.

11:30-12:15– Practitioner session 1
12:30-13:15– Practitioner session 2
13:30-14:15– Practitioner session 3
  • 10:30-11:15 Learning Lab – The Moral Lab: Designing Ethical AI (Student session)
  • 11:30-12:15 Learning Lab – Designing Engaging Learning Environments for Students with Autism (Practitioner session)
  • 12:30-13:15 Learning Lab – Empowering Creativity: Exploring Design Thinking and AI in Project Based Learning (Practitioner session)
  • 13:30-14:15 Learning Lab – Values and Technology: Empowering Schools Towards A Self-Determined Artificial Intelligence Implementation Protocol (Practitioner session)

Learning Lab 2(West Foyer)

For classes of 25 students (pre-registration for schools required). Experiential learning workshops with immersive activities featuring the latest learning tools that foster creativity, collaboration and experimentation.

10:30-11:15– Student session

Peer-to-peer workshops. Join fellow practitioners for a creative professional development experience, featuring demonstrations of innovative pedagogical approaches and AI tools.

11:30-12:15– Practitioner session 1
12:30-13:15– Practitioner session 2
13:30-14:15– Practitioner session 3
  • 10:30-11:15 Learning Lab – Empowering Education: Unleashing Skills Development with AI (Student session)
  • 11:30-12:15 Learning Lab – Empowering Humans: SFERA Unlocking Creativity for a Transformative Teaching Experience in the Age of AI (Practitioner session)
  • 12:30-13:15 Learning Lab – Elevating Education with Technology: Unleashing the Potential of ChatGPT and Adobe Express for Innovative Classroom Experiences (Practitioner session)
  • 13:30-14:15 Learning Lab – AI in Education: Futureproofing Teachers and Learners (Practitioner session)

Nov 29

  • 09:00-10:00 Education Above All Plenary – Education in Times of War
  • 15:00-16:15 WISE Closing Plenary – AI for the Common Good


In our three parallel Thematic Zones, we deep dive into the pressing issues defining the future of education. Each Theme is explored through three formats: Panels to frame the debate and highlight priority issues; Masterclass Sessions to deepen understanding and provide perspectives on possible solutions; Policy Roundtables to bring together education stakeholders in defining actionable policy agendas.


Systems Transformation:

From curriculum design and teaching methodologies to technology integration and administration, how do we reform education to create more equitable, inclusive, and effective learning environments?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS

From Hype to Reality: Unleashing AI’s Potential for System Transformation

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

The Role of Policymakers in Fostering Responsible and Effective AI in Education

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Innovating Education in the Age of AI: Strategies for Effective Transformative Change


Rethinking Higher Education and Jobs in An AI-Driven World
How do we equip our graduates with future-resilient skills? How can higher education better support governments and industries in job creation in an era of AI disruption? How can higher education encourage the problem-solving, creativity, and socio-emotional skills that strengthens an innovation-minded citizenry?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS:

AI Mastery: Boosting Workforce Resilience and Agility

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

Bridging the Gap: Higher Education and Industry in the Age of AI

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Higher Education and AI: Building Resilient Pedagogies


Scaling for Equity and Access
Is AI the answer to the perennial challenge of providing quality education for all? How can we effectively scale personalised learning solutions and address diverse learning styles? How can AI support governments, funders, and NGOs in identifying and overcoming common barriers to the large-scale implementation of effective initiatives?

  • 10:30-11:15 – MASTERCLASS:

Empowering Equity: Achieving AI’s Global Potential

  • 11:15-12:00 – PANEL:

Breaking Boundaries: Is AI the Key to Ensuring Next-Gen Education Access?

  • 13:00-14:30 – POLICY ROUNDTABLE:

Policy Insights: Leveraging AI to Navigate and Overcome Barriers in Scaling Effective Initiatives


Join the authors of WISE Research as they present their latest reports addressing critical education issues around the globe, and propose action-oriented recommendations and policy guidance for stakeholders in the education industry.

  • 10:30-11:15 Priority Areas for Improving Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Across the Learning Ecosystem
  • 11:30-12:15 Building Skills, Strengthening Communities: The Impact of Learning Festivals
  • 12:30-13:15 The Benefits of Impact-Based Programing: Fostering a Reading Culture with Qatar Reads
  • 13:45-14:45 Education and Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Qatar


Auditorium 1

  • 10:30-11:15 SPR Public Policy Observatory Launch Event
  • 12:00-13:15 Education Impact Bonds – What Works and How to Make Them Work Better with New Partnerships
  • 13:45-14:45 Empowering Youth through Climate Change Education: A Case Study from Vietnam


Based on the traditional Arabic ‘majlis’ gathering space for meeting, sitting, and talking, the WISE Majlis is where informal interactions happen alongside spirited discussions and presentations, workshops, and networking activities.

WISE On Air(Central Foyer)

Sit in on live podcasts where we talk to the world’s leading minds about the future of education.

  • 10:30-11:15 Podcast – EdUp x WISE On Air: How to Shape a more Resilient & Sustainable World
  • 11:30-12:15 Podcast – A Conversation with the WISE Prize Laureate
  • 12:30-13:15 Podcast – Teachers and AI: Collaboration or Competition?
  • 13:30-14:15 Podcast – TeachPitch x WISE On Air: The Impact of AI in Education: A Different Approach for Different Regions?

Youth Studio(Central Foyer)

Listen and participate in lively discussions by and for youth about the issues shaping the next generation. What will it take to build a 21st century of collective action, compassion, and creative self-expression?

  • 10:30-11:15 Youth Innovators: Harnessing Tech and AI to Address Global Challenges
  • 11:30-12:15 Global Skills and Local Needs in The Age of AI
  • 12:30-13:15 Enhancing Communities’ Cultural Fluency Through Education
  • 13:30-14:15 Artificial Intelligence for Collective Ethical Intelligence

Learning Lab 1(West Foyer)

For classes of 25 students (pre-registration for schools required). Experiential learning workshops with immersive activities featuring the latest learning tools that foster creativity, collaboration and experimentation.

10:30-11:15– Student session

Peer-to-peer workshops. Join fellow practitioners for a creative professional development experience, featuring demonstrations of innovative pedagogical approaches and AI tools.

11:30-12:15– Practitioner session 1
12:30-13:15– Practitioner session 2
13:30-14:15– Practitioner session 3
  • 10:30-11:15 Learning Lab – MuBaBaO Augmented Creativity Method: Human AI Teamwork in Problem Solving (Student session)
  • 11:30-12:15 Learning Lab – Empowering Educators: Integrating AI in Classrooms for Enhanced Teaching and Learning (Practitioner session)
  • 12:30-13:15 Learning Lab – Exploring Ethical Values in the Digital Age: Leveraging AI for a Better Understanding of the Global Ecological Challenges Across Religious Traditions (Practitioner session)
  • 13:30-14:15 Learning Lab – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence as an Educational Tool (Practitioner session)

Learning Lab 2(West Foyer)

For classes of 25 students (pre-registration for schools required). Experiential learning workshops with immersive activities featuring the latest learning tools that foster creativity, collaboration and experimentation.

10:30-11:15– Student session

Peer-to-peer workshops. Join fellow practitioners for a creative professional development experience, featuring demonstrations of innovative pedagogical approaches and AI tools.

11:30-12:15– Practitioner session 1
12:30-13:15– Practitioner session 2
13:30-14:15– Practitioner session 3
  • 10:30-11:15 Learning Lab – The AI Maze: Finding the Ethical Exit
  • 11:30-12:15 Learning Lab – AI and Arabic: Exploring Language Models with Machine Learning (Practitioner session)
  • 12:30-13:15 Learning Lab – Teaching with AI: How Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance and Transform Education (Practitioner session)
  • 13:30-14:15 Learning Lab – AI for Education: How to Produce Quality Learning Material Fast (Practitioner session)
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